The updated privacy policy at GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED

Any information given to GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED on this website will be treated in confidence and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679).

Users are asked to provide their contact information such as name, e-mail address and company in the registration forms on the website. This information will not be shared with or sold to any party outside GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED.

Any personal information is collected only in connection with the registration process and solely for the purpose of communication between GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED and the registered. The data which you have provided are held in a database on a secure server. GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED will not sell any of this information to, or share it with, third parties.

At GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED, data protection and confidentiality is a high priority. This privacy policy sets out clear guidelines as to how GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED process your personal data. Further, we explain how we use the personal data that you leave and/or provide when you visit our website and use the various services on our website.


1. Data controller and contact information

This website is operated and owned by:

1st Floor,
Hadjikyriakeion Bld 1,
office 107,
121 Prodromou Avenue,
2064 Strovolos,

+357 99 147 861
+357 22 060 606


2. Collection of personal data

You will always be informed in connection with collection of personal data about you. The personal data collected by us may include, for instance, your name, your email address, and similar identification data.

In connection with the submission of your data it will always be stated whether the submission is voluntary or necessary for completing the desired action.


Your personal data is collected if:

— You sign up for GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED newsletter

— You create a client account at our customer portal


3. Use of personal data

Personal data is collected and will be used in connection with:

— Client orders

— Sign-ups for newsletter

— Send-outs of marketing material, including invitations to events and product updates

GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED do not wish to store unnecessary data and you may rest assured that we store only the necessary information for conducting our work operations. Therefore, the only information we store is:

—  First Name and Last name

—  Job title (only if samples are ordered)

—  Company Name

—  E-mail Address

—  Phone Number

—  Country

We do not transfer your personal data to a third party without your consent. Under specific circumstances and with reference to legislation, it might be necessary to transfer information to public authorities.

4. Disclosure to data processors

Your personal data can be disclosed to partners of GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED who deliver services on behalf of GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED. These partners only process the personal data on behalf of GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED and in accordance with the instructions of GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED.


5. Transfer to third countries

GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED is always focused on having an adequate level of data protection and this enables that we only transfer data to trusted recipients. This implies that any type of personal data is forwarded only to the staff-members at GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED who are needed for carrying out these tasks. Personal data can be forwarded only to a third country when necessary for carrying out work-related tasks and when a sufficient and adequate data processor agreement is in order between GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED and the location to which we transfer data.

GRACIANA HOLDINGS LIMITED is a global company with business units in Europe, the United States and Asia Pacific. Despite of the withdrawal of the UK from the EU, the GDPR will form part of UK law. Therefore, the UK is categorized as having an adequate level of protection and this enables that data can be transferred and forwarded to our current departments in the UK. Personal data can be forwarded to the UK only when necessary for carrying out work-related tasks.

Even though the United States is not listed as one of the countries that meets the GDPR requirements, the EU-US Privacy Shield Agreement provides a framework that protects the fundamental rights of anyone in the EU whose personal data is transferred to the United States for commercial purposes. Therefore, the United States is categorized as having an adequate level of protection and this enables that data can be transferred and forwarded to our current departments in the United States. Personal data can be forwarded to the US only when necessary for carrying out business- or work-related tasks.

According to the European Data Protection Supervisor, Asian countries do not have sufficient data protection measures. As a result, personal data can only be forwarded if approved corporate binding rules apply. Following a security clearance, personal data is only forwarded when necessary for carrying out specific work-related tasks and when adequate technical and security measures are in order.


6. Amendment of data etc.

If you want us to update, amend or delete the personal data that we have recorded about you, wish to get access to the data being processed about you, or if you have any questions concerning the above guidelines, you may contact us at